Tuesday, September 12, 2017

A Special Name

In Chinese history, the name is a gift for the baby given by their parents. The name not only shows an expectation, but it also shows the whole love of parents for their baby. My name is Dongbao Chen. It is a simple Chinese name. In Chinese, it means eastern treasure. It is the name that my uncle gave to me. In Chinese tradition, the baby’s name is always given by their parents or their grandparents. However, I was given a special name by my uncle. Dong is the first character of my first name which is from my genealogy. My cousins and my younger brother and my older sister also use that character as the first character of their first name. Therefore, the story behind my name is that the last character of my first name. My family was an eminent family before the moment when the People's Republic of China was established. A civil war between the Nationalist Party and the Communist Party ended my family’s honor. When the national government was replaced by the government of the Communist Party,  the families which supported the national government also were replaced by the families which supported the government of the Communist Party. Therefore all of the rights about politics and economy of my family were canceled by the new government. After that, my family became an ordinary family. The reason why my uncle hoped that I would be a successful person to promote our family. Therefore, I like my name and I always tell myself that my name is my sign of making progress. My name has made me strive to complete anything perfectly.

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