Thursday, September 14, 2017


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                Tijani Yusuf
ESl 100
September 14, 2017
Born Into Wealth
            It is called Olaoluwa in my language, but in English it means wealth of God. It was a sunny afternoon as my mother told me sitting by the window, thinking of a name to give her unborn child whose due date was to be in December, at this time my father was away on his usual business, which mostly comes from the federal government. Once in a while but he worked with the state government once in a bluemoon.
            However ,a phone call from her husband diverted her attention from what she was thinking about as she heard the joyous news that her man just won a contract He had been on the project for about four months, this news struck joy as she was holding up her belly and the thought of the name came to her mind.
            After about two months, mother was in the hospital and father was outside expecting his child, and in about thirty minutes, the cry which made parents smile and give glory to God was heard .In the Nigerian culture, Yoruba the child is named after about eight days after birth in which the father and mother decide the name of the child would bear, the other members of the family give a name after putting any amount of money in a bowl.

            Father gave me “Ajibola” in English it means “he who wakes up into wealth’ and mother gave “Olaoluwa” in English means ‘weallth of God”. The name follows with an adage, which is interpreted in English as “The situation of the home decides the name”


  1. is your first name Olaoluwa or Yusuf? I'm confused.

  2. I thought that your first name was Yusuf, its really unique the meaning of your name


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