Thursday, September 14, 2017

Naba Hagmhmood ESL 100 Septmber,19,2017 3rd Draft

       These are three ways to write my name in Arabic

A Women Who Loves Her Name
             Do I like my name of course I like my name in fact I love my name I'm the eldest in my family I have two brothers and one sister. Muhammad 16 years old Mostafa 11 years old and Naja 4 years old.
            When I was born, my father was told by his brother I have wonderful news for you got a girl with beautiful eyes. My name means wonderful. beautiful, and good news, which is what I was for my father that day. In our family no one is named my name and all my life I have only met two NABA's  that's another reason for me to like my name because, it's rare.
            I'm from Sudan and half raised there. In Sudan we Sudanese have a completely different culture from here in the U.S.  My name in that culture, and our religion Islam, it is  a name of a Surah. A Surah is a name of a chapter in the Qur'an which is the book for Islam, the book that tells Muslims the meaning of Islam and shows the rules. Therefore it is also a religious name and that is something I'm proud of NABA is my name and another way to say it in Arabic is "Khabar".


  1. Naba, I like that you mention your name is in Qur'an, I would feel proud to find my name in old book like that.

  2. It is awesome that you can write your name in three different ways. I have a question, are the three of them the same language or why are that different from each other?

    1. They mean the exact same thing silvia but there just different ways of writing

  3. I really like your name, like you said is unique. Also I want to learn how to pronounce your last name haha.

  4. Great name, your mane is including part of realigion that's very rare in my culture.


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