Tuesday, October 31, 2017


Emad Abdullah
ESL 100
Oct 9, 2017
Final draft
Image result for Mengistu Haile Mariam          When I hear the word dictatorship, I think about what my mother and my grandparent’s lives were like in Ethiopia. There was a dictator that ruled in Ethiopia called Mengistu Haile Mariam (Derg) from 1977 to 1987. The Derg was the organization that use to help Mengistu, and they still exist in Ethiopia at this moment. Mengistu used to kill and throw in prison anyone who defied him or wanted to create a revolution. Ethiopia was affected by corruption, there wasn’t any democracy, and it was hard for people to live under those conditions. People in my Ethiopia were moving to other countries to have a better life. My mom and her siblings were couple of the people who wanted to have a better future. The dictatorship in Ethiopia has affected my mother and her family in unusual ways.
Image result for crossing borders          My mother was sixteen years old when my grandfather wanted her, her sisters, and her brother to leave this country and go to Somalia. They had to go there by foot and try not to be caught by the Derg army. They didn’t have a lot of supplies or water, so it was challenging to get there. They had to do anything in order to survive. They used to drink water in the river that people and animals were peeing in. I can’t imagine how they got there, but they eventually made it to Somalia. My mother said that there were times where they thought of giving up, but they were fighters and have never given up. When they got to Somalia, there were people that they knew who got there before them, so they helped them to go to a United Nation refugee camp in Somalia. They gave them bed, food, clothes, and shoes. After eight months, they started living in the city to begin a new life.
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          Living in a new world made my mother miss her parents and her friends who were still in danger back in her home country. She missed the food and the environment were she used to live in. There were no telephones at that time, so it was tough to communicate with their loved ones in Ethiopia. My mother used to send letters to make sure that her father and mother were healthy and well. Everything in Somalia seemed so strange to her: the streets, the people, and the language. They had a rough time adapting to the Somalian culture, especially the language. After four years in Somalia, my mother’s father and mother went to Somalia to check on their children. This was the reunion was that my mother dreamed of for years.
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          On the other hand, when my grandfather and grandmother were in Somalia, they almost lost their whole house in Ethiopia. My grandfather got a letter from his friend that sayed, “you should come back home get back your house.” When my grandparents went back to Somalia, they left their home without no protection, so the government wanted to give the house to other people. One of Mengistu Haile Mariam’s famous policies was land redistribution, which is to take land or houses from that people who had a lot and give it for the people who didn’t. My grandparents knew the risk of leaving the house behind, but they can’t change what was happing. Therefore, my grandmother and grandfather went back to Ethiopia to get their house back. When they got there, the government gave them a choice to give up half of their house or they would take all of it. My grandparents knew that they couldn’t fight them in court, so they gave up. My grandfather’s house had six rooms, so he had to give two rooms away to the people who didn’t have a house. When I was living in Ethiopia, I used to live in my grandfather’s house. The people who the government gave our house to still live in our house, which makes me mad when I think about it because we didn’t have a lot privacy while they were living with us.

          Today, when I meet someone from Somalia, I think about my mother and her parents and how they used to look up to each other during the tough time of their lives in order to survive. If my mother had not gone to Somalia, she wouldn’t have gone to Saudi Arabia where she eventually met my father, which means my siblings and I wouldn’t have been brought to this world. Even though I haven’t had any experiences like my mother, I feel like I was part of her journey because when my mother speak the language that she learned in Somalia and Saudi Arabia I feel like there is part of me that feels connected to those countries.

Live Again

World War 2 started in September 1939, and right after this war began, in three months another one called the Soviet-Finnish War began. Wars changed people's lives because all men were sen to fight, and women didn't know if they would ever come back. That time was taught with food, clothing, and money because it was tenth longest war in the world. People in the Soviet Union couldn't get food because Germany put borders around Leningrad for ninety days. Hitler wanted the Soviet Union to give up, and people were working for free because soldiers needed clothes and weapons. When the Soviet Union lost a lot of soldiers in the wars, women needed to go to the war and even children. My grand-grandmother needed to say goodbye to her husband and six of her brothers. These wars affected my family lives and mostly my grand-grandparents because they needed to go through some hard times.

Because both wars started at the same time, my grand-grandfather went to the Soviet-Finnish War, and my grand-grandmother stayed alone with a big responsibility on her own. In addition, they had two little children, and she was pregnant with a third. When he left, she felt depressed because she loved him so much, and she realized that it would be a demanding time without her husband. She never worked in her life because back then women weren't  supposed to work. She was a lucky woman because she had six brothers who helped her get food and in the garden. The only thing she did was taking care of her children and animals. She prayed few times a day for her husband and was sitting every night by the window crying about him. She couldn't wait for this war to finish, and finally, it did. She was hoping and believing that her husband would be back as soon as possible, but he never returned home. She lost all her hope, but the situation wasn't that bad without her husband.

The reason why my grand-grandfather didn't return home after Union-Finnish War because he went to the World War 2 where my grand-grandmother brothers were. That was the time when the grim times started. She needed to take care of the children and start to work in the field. According to my grandmother, when her mother went to work with little children she put them under the trees so they could play and she was working. It was a horrible feeling. I can't imagine how my grand-grandmother felt at that time. A woman who lost a husband in her mind and never worked needed to start work, watch over her children and worry about her little brothers. It was new for her to have a job and try to find food for the babies. She couldn't keep up with everything, and she didn't take care of the house nor animals. When they didn't have food at all, she killed all her chickens so they could have something to eat, but she left only one chicken to get eggs for them. At the end, last chicken died. That was the moment when she understood that it was more difficult without her husband and brothers.

Five years after her husband returned home. They were very happy to see each other and for him to see his three children. From this happiness, they conceived the fourth baby. World War 2 wasn't over yet, but he returned home because he had a lot of injuries and shell-shock. My grand-grandmother needed to take care of him because he couldn't work anymore of the injuries he got in the war. She already had a lot of responsibilities as a woman, but after her husband returned home nothing changed because at that time she still needed to take care of everything. After the war finished, two of her brothers returned home, and the other four were lost. She never saw them again.

I would never believe the man who ended up working at cash management services could go to the war to save our generation. I'm very proud of him and of course of my great-grandmother's brothers. Who knows what would have happened without them. Maybe our family would never have a name in this world. My grand-grandmother and grand-grandfather had some hard times when they lost all desire, but they went through it. They raised four beautiful girls and gave them to marry in Muslim tradition. This history and the wars changed every person's life who lived in the Soviet-Union. A lot of people lost family members
, but with satisfied feelings, because they saved the people of the Soviet Union.

Monday, October 30, 2017

The One-child Policy

The One-child Policy

            Population start to become a big controversy in China by the middle of the twentieth century. It was a serious problem for a slowly developing country. In the early 1960s, the population grew dramatically throughout the country. However, at the same time, China did not have professional medical help, had bad agriculture, also suffered from lack of food. China was struggling because of  many years of civil war that caused poverty and disaster all over the country.  Therefore, in 1979, the one child policy was established by the government. It was enforced and mandatory. This not only solved the problem of the population. Moreover, it improved the quality of life because fewer children to take care and government offered the free education. However, that also caused parents to have sex selective abortion or female infanticide. My parents were one of the couples forced to sterilize, because they wanted to have a male to carry on the family line. Although I was only five, I was impacted in my childhood.
             At the beginning, one child policy made my parents spoil my brother instead of paying attention to me. In Chinese culture, men have always been more important than women because men pass on their family’s last name. My brother was the only boy in my family. Therefore, my parents would give all love, attention, and support to him. However, despite that I became a strong and confident child. My parents raised me as a boy  because I needed to do all the housework instead of my brother. I couldn’t forget when I was eight, I worked in the field with my parents while it was harvest season. My brother never came to help. Even though he was having fun and I was working hard, I didn’t feel an imbalance because while I worked, I also built up my body. Moreover, I was constantly exercising myself physically and spiritually. I became a tough, positive and motivational person. This has benefited my whole life.

             With the one child policy, if my parents want to have a second child they have to pay a very expensive penalty. My family really wanted to have a boy so that they could pass on the family last name, so  when my little brother was born and my parents paid an expensive fee. As I grew up, I wanted to go to school, but my parent didn’t have money to support my education. Moreover, they thought that women didn’t need a good education to have a good life. Therefore, I had to work instead of going to school. Later on, I received a letter of admission from the college, and I will never forget how excited I was to inform my parents about this happy news. When I told them, however, they were deeply disappointed with me and said I couldn’t go to school. I cried many times when I was alone, but as a daughter I had to understand my parents’ situation. Although I still complain about what happened when my parents destroyed my dream, I am still grateful that my parents never gave me up and raised me to have a healthy body and cheerful life.
The one child policy was a successful law, it had a significant effect that was improved the quality of life for everyone in China. My family had more money to spend for articles of daily use.We also had enough food and nourishment instead of living in hunger, and we were able to share food with our neighbors. All our neighbors and my family members did not have to worry about money and food since there were fewer children to take care of. The schools were not so overcrowded, and that made education more effective. The schools also provided financial aid to students because they had extra money. Furthermore, when I got older, it was easier to find a job because there was less competition. My parents and my brother also had good job opportunities.

It has been over thirty years since the one-child policy was enforced. Today, China has been doing well economically, politically, and socially. However, there have been many bad effects from the one-child policy, too. Because having sons is very important in Chinese culture, a lot of baby girls were given up. For many years, there has been a gender imbalance in the society, and men are having trouble finding wives. People finally realized that the one-child policy and sex-selective abortion caused gender imbalance. The most significant  problem is there is less of younger generation to support the country. Therefore, China adjusted the One child policy and encourage young couples to have more babies.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Naba Hagmhmood
october,24 2017
. ESL 100
2nd Draft
                                                           A Close Wedding

the entrance 

People who hate weddings confuse me perhaps because I love them. I am from Sudan, and  have been in Chicago for more than three years . I often travel to Sudan, but only for a month or two. Because i spend time in the U.S more time than Sudan, I haven't been to a wedding for some time . Even when i go to Sudan, no one is getting married. I miss being in a wedding, especially a Sudanese wedding. There are so many different ceremonies, parties, and a way of dressing that we have. Because I have lived in Chicago for all these years and I am going to stay for a couple more I feel that I lost that joyful part of me in our lives that comes out only in weddings. When I lived in Sudan my family usually had a wedding every year. We still do, but i'm not there when there's a wedding.
When I lived in Sudan my family usually had a wedding every year. We still do, but I am not there when there is one.The invitations are sent out seven months before the wedding because  the wedding lasts for three months. The bride gets ready in a month and a half with something called "Dokhan," and no one outside her close can see her. The groom himself or his family also can not see her. “Dokhan” is a hole that is dug in the ground and has pieces of special wood that get lightly burned allowing heat  rise to the bride sitting on chair on top of the hole-and  and it's really close to sauna but it has a nice smell, and its good for the body .This kind of wood us Sudanese cant even find here that is why no bride can do this in the U.S. Also in Chicago if we try to do something like this either the house is going to burn or the neighbors are going to call


the police because they see smoke. Even though this in only for the bride, I miss it only if I am from the close family. When I'm with bride everyday helping her getting ready. I miss being a bridesmaid and having to worry about the easy things that the bride has to do. In Chicago the bride chooses one maid of honor, but in Sudan all of her cousins are her maids of honer. In the grooms family the only thing happening during this time is parties they probably have a party every two week until the wedding day. In Chicago everyone gathers up in one day and have a party and the wedding is finished.

My Henna

In addition in Sudan there is an amazing tradition that is called “henna”. Henna is a leaf from a tree called Sidra that gets crushed and mixed with water and we make drawings with it on our hands that come off after a week or two. It is nothing new in Chicago, but the reason that I lost this part in Chicago is because Sudan's henna is natural black henna when its on our hands. The ones here are chemicals, and the natural ones are red or brown. When there is a wedding in the US the bride puts on makeup and the dress and that is it. In Sudan, she has to have the Henna first. Then their is the ceremony that is called “ the brides Henna”. I no longer can do any of these things because, the henna is red and If I go I have to go alone and there will be no occasion. We cant have this tradition in Chicago because its a family thing and my family is not here, so people rather go to Sudan and have it there.

The bride's tobb and the Henna 

Beside the the “Dokhan” and the Henna the awaited day comes, which should be the best day. Both families from bride and groom gather in one place after having some pictures together. If we decide to have a wedding here who would go  to take pictures with us, of course friends can come, but it not the same. Because that family photo is memorable moment with your parents firstly so everyone can know that they approved this wedding after their gone. All Cousins are counted siblings, aunt from mothers side are counted real mother this photo is private moment of love and happiness shared just between this family. The rest of the joy we share with friends. Then the last ceremony starts. Both the bride and groom go and change their close the groom wears something the length of a dress, but not a dress and the bride wears a short red dress and a “Tobb” which  is a really long cloth that get wrapped around her hip and goes over her head and she covers her face with it like a

vale. During weddings people do not usually change what their wearing.  

Its really hard to have a wedding in Chicago like the weddings in Sudan. Because no matter how hard we try something will be missing.From the moment when we are just with the bride while she gets ready for almost two months or even parting with the groom to getting our hands drawn and designing our own dress to the big party it is something that I think i'm not going to find anytime sooner in Chicago. We do not have a celebration bigger than marriage. What I miss is not what I do during the wedding, but it is being apart of a wedding that miss. From what I said, it looks like what truly miss is a close wedding, so I can be part of the close family and be a part of every small detail. Like seeing the bride when others can't and being in the photo and just be there for everything. We get tired in these weddings from hosting the guests, to waking up early in the morning to helping in the kitchen. the whole family comes in one house in fact sometimes we have to rent a really big house or a villa for the family. There will be more than 100 people in one place. Also keeping the bride or groom rested and not needing a thing, but we come after years like today to remember and smile.

My Mom and Grandma putting Henna for my cousins 

My family and Me in one of the house parties

all of the people in the picture and more all stay in one house


the picture on the left is at my house, the one on the right in the studio waiting for the bride and groom to come and bottom one is out side our our house for just a small family party.  

Monday, October 23, 2017

A New Life

I'm a very sociable person. When I was in Puerto Rico thinking about what to do during the day, I called my friends and they go to my home and spend time with me. It was so easy to communicate with them because they were like my second family. This changed when I moved to Chicago. Now I don't have anyone to call or hang with. I stay in my home doing homework or watching TV. It is like a new and boring world for me. This happened not only to me. Also happened to other people that moved to Chicago. It's hard to make friends in Chicago because some people don't have a lot of time to make new friends. They live their life too quickly.

People in Chicago had their own way to make friends. When I lived in Puerto Rico, in my community all the people were friends. All of us spent time walking around the neighborhood , playing basketball, and doing homework together. Some people here in Chicago spent time with friends they met in high school. Also, the first day of school is different in Chicago. In Puerto Rico, many students are excited to start school because they are going to meet new people. In Chicago, some students don't feel excitement about this particular day. It is like a day they are going to wake to make a routine. This is not fault of the culture of the people of Chicago. It is also because some people here are not as friendly as people in Puerto Rico.

In addition, people are living in a shy society. This problem is not only in Chicago, is all around the world. Some people avoid making friends in school or in work because they are too shy to communicate with others. In Puerto Rico, I helped the people that didn't have the confidence to speak to others because I know how it feels being a shy person. Other thing that makes difficult the fact of making friends in Chicago is that some people avoid making friends because they don't dare to speak in English. This is a problem that too many people have in this country. I want to help people that have this problem because I was a person that didn't dare speak in English and I know that is uncomfortable be like that.

Also, some people in Chicago are too busy to make new friends. This can be because of work, school or family. Some people prefer to spend time with their families than with their friends. In Puerto Rico, my family and friends were like one big family. On the weekends, my family and friends went on road trips around the island. In Chicago, some people want to have their families separate from the friends. Other people work and study at the same time, so it is hard for them to hang out with their friends.

Since I moved to Chicago I learned how to be a lonely person. Every day I wish my friends from Puerto Rico had moved with me. I'm always going to miss them all because they were like my second family. I'm going to be sociable always, but the truth is that is going to be very difficult to have friends here because some people in Chicago don't have a lot of time to make new friends.

                                                           Yearning For Food
       I am a ChiHuo in my country, which means the person who likes to enjoy delicious food every day if he can. When I was in China, I loved tasting snacks around my house. Also, I would always go out with my friends in order to try some new food, which we had never tried before. In a few words, food is what I cherish and like most. However, everything has changed since I came to the U.S. Language, daily communication and lifestyle have totally changed, but I think I will be accustomed to these in the future. However, I still have something that I can't be accustomed to easily, and That is food. Although American food is delicious, I think my stomach still misses Chinese food.

       When I was in China, the most interesting thing for me was to look for strange food. China is a large country with a long history, and China also has a long history of food, especially in Guangdong, my province. People always use everything that they think can be food, and try to make a delicious meal from it, such as fengzhua, which is made of chicken feet. Another example is stinky tofu, which smells stink but tastes good. Many western people are repulsed by it easily although it tastes delicious. Also, people will put durian into pizza or dessert. I have lived in Chicago for one year, and I have tried some delicious food such as steak or salad. However, it is a little bit bland for me. I prefer strange and interesting food to ordinary food. As a result, I miss the food in my hometown.
       It is similar to the American family, the Chinese family will have some parties which have many kinds of food on important holiday. On Chinese holiday, parents like to cook a big meal to celebrate the whole family coming together. They put food all over a big table. When the party starts, the younger generation needs to wait until the older generation use their chopsticks. Moreover, the elders were usually concerned about younger's life. As a result, grandparents would like to let their grandchildren to eat more because they thought the food was full of their care. When I started to know about the parties in the U.S. It was different from my experience in China. In the U.S, there were not have grandparents who will always let me eat more. When I was in China, I didn't enjoy the dinner time with the grandparents because they were too verbose. When I arrived in Chicago and had my first meal by myself, I was happy because there was nobody speaking around my ears. However, I feel a little bit disappointed now because I find it is hard for me to eat the "care" food one more time. I miss the care food from my grandparents in China.
       In addition to the delicious food in China, I still remember the terrible food that I have cooked with my friends in China. It was the first time for us to cook at that time. Even though we didn't know how to use a knife, we still did our best to cook a meal. When we finished cooking, the kitchen looked like a battlefield, and there was a burning smell in the air. Our first cooking experience was similar to the first painting of a kid without talent, ugly and terrible. Although it looked bad that time, my friend and I still put the darkness food all in our stomachs. Since I moved to the U.S, I haven't had a close relationship with friends as before. I can cook delicious food now, but there is nobody to share the joyousness with me. I am ever missing the terrible food that I made with my friend.

       Since I have been living in Chicago, I have been missing Chinese food. There are a large number of delicious foods, but I miss the strange and interesting food in my hometown. Although I can join some parties and enjoy myself, there is nobody that is concerned about me and lets me eat more. The terrible food is an important part in my heart, and I will never forget it. I am still a ChiHuo now, but the most important thing around me has changed. In fact, I begin a better life when I arrived in Chicago, but I still lost something. I miss the days when I was a ChiHuo in China, and I yearn for the food in China.

Change in Life

                                                                            Change In Life
            Most people around the world want to visit United States or they want to live here.  There is never a doubt that The United States is advanced in many ways, but still I miss Pakistan.  I miss a lot of Pakistani things, and I can feel those things have changed.  When I was in Pakistan, I used to go to mosque for prayers, I am not saying that I’m religious but I believe in my religion.  When I came to America, I tried to continue my prayers, and I still pray but not like I used to back home.  When I was in Pakistan, a mosque was few steps away from my home, so I never had any problem walking there.  Especially on Friday, because Friday is the holy day in Islam.  I miss Friday prayers in Chicago, and I don’t get that feeling praying on Friday as I did in my new city.  Friday prayers are important, but I can’t even manage my time for daily prayers.  Prayer is the first thing I miss, and I can’t find that environment I have prayed in, I know I can’t.
In Pakistan, I was more religious than I am now.  I didn’t used to pray five times a day, but I used to

pray maybe three times a day.  In Islam, praying is the first priority for every Muslim.  The first

question will be about prayers on the day of judgement, so as a Muslim, I have to pray.  Prayers are

 necessary in every religion just not in Islam, everyone have to ask our God for something we need or

 for something we want to be good for us.  In the United States, I can’t manage my time for prayers,

 and I feel so ashamed of it.  Prayer is what Muslims should start their day with, Muslims are

 supposed pray five times a day.  Muslims start their day with prayer and end with prayer.  When I’m

not doing anything, I pray and ask my God for his forgiveness.  I have to work it out at any cost and I

 have to take my time out for prayers.  Prayer is the key to success this is what my parents taught me,

 and I believe in it.  Living busy life in the U.S. has changed everything for me.  Now I can’t even

 take out time for Friday prayer which is the most important prayer.  Prayers and my culture is what I

can’t never forget even If I want to, I have to remember who I am and who I will be till the end of my


          In addition, Friday prayers is the most important prayer of the week.  Friday is a blessed day in

Islam, and Muslims make this day blessing for themselves by gathering all together in Mosque

and pray at the same time.  Yes, all 5 times prayers are offered together but they are not as filled with

people as they are on Friday.  This is the reason Friday prayer is mentioned in Islam as most

 important prayer,and every Muslim have to pray it unless you have some valid reason to skip it. If

any Muslim skipped Friday prayers 3 times in a row then that person have to recite Kalma again(First

Kalma i what Muslim recite and this is what make us Muslim or someone is converting to Islam

 he/she has to recite Kalma).  This the importance of Friday prayers in Islam and this the reason I feel

 ashamed that  I have skipped it a lot of times and I always ask my God for his mercy. In Pakistan,

 after Friday prayers I used to go out with my friends for playing snooker and video games. However,

In the U.S.  I don’t even know what people do after prayers. Some people told me that money is the

only religion in U.S. if someone wants to survive here they have to work really hard, but I don’t skip

my Eid prayers, and I never will



          Eid is special day for every Muslim, Eid is where all Muslims gather in a very big group to

 pray and celebrate it with family and even strangers are our friends that day.  Eid prayers are the

 most important prayers, and no Muslim should skip them.  I miss celebrating Eid in Pakistan where I

 was with my friends every time and all day.  It is also one of the busiest days in Pakistan, and I used

 to go out with my friends for food and enjoying all day.  Schools and colleges and work are off that

 day and everyone prays and celebrates. Eid occurs twice a year and it really feels different that day,

 but I don’t even enjoy Eid in U.S. it feels like a normal day to me where I have to wake up early in

 morning to take normal shower, and go for prayers then come home and go to work.  I don’t even get

 off on my Eid day. It was different and here I even get stressed every time because I don’t have time

 for myself.  Back home all I had to do is going to college and college to home.  I do have friends

 here, but they are busy like I am.  When I’m busy, they are free, and when they are busy, I am free.

  So American life has changed everything, and prayers are the important thing. 

         There are a lot of chances life gives us in every step of life, it’s up to us how we use it.  I have

 to manage my time for prayers if I want to live my whole life here, being busy is not an excuse

where I can ask my God for his forgiveness.  I do believe that prayers can change everything and can

 give me anything I want If I deserve it.  Prayers are the key to success this is what my parents taught

 me, and this is what I believe in.  As I am here now, I haven’t seen my cultural things for a long time

 and sometimes I can’t even remember that what I have to do in this event.  This is why I have

decided and told my parents that at least once in a year, we have to go to Pakistan, so we won’t

forget who we are.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Nature is my Weakness

Nature is my Weakness

People who often take a vacation from work are active and optimist in their life. Because the human brain becomes tired and body may lose energy, every person needs to rest and relax. For example, I need a vacation at least two or three times a year. Despite that I live in the U.S, which is the most economically developed country in the world, and I have a lot of opportunity to spend an enjoyable vacation, I cannot relax or relieve stress as I want. Spending time outdoors is my dream and it is my preferred method to relax and rejuvenate. I like spend a few days on top of a mountain or on the mud resort, and I like go to a picnic to a dark forest. Outdoor recreation can create a calming effect and help to clear my mind. Unfortunately since I have moved to Chicago, I could not find the vacation’s places near Chicago which are similar to vacation’s place in Kyrgyzstan.
When I lived in Kyrgyzstan, the place where I was born and raised, I usually spent my vacation on top of the mountain. Kyrgyzstan is a land of mountains. When I spent a few days or weeks on the high mountains in Kyrgyzstan, it helped me to relieve stress and tiredness. Clear fresh water, fresh air and green grass of mountains made pleasant pleasure for me. I cannot forget those feelings that I felt when I was sleeping in nature at the night. It was like paradise. I want a feel those feelings again, but I cannot find mountains near Chicago. The mountains in Kyrgyzstan are not dangerous to visit. Most of the farmers are there while weather is warm. Vacationers and travelers can also go to there, where farmers live. Usually they build their tents or national houses to live. I also used to go to there for a week or more. When I moved to Chicago, first I looked for mountains, but I couldn’t see any. When I want to relax in the mountains as in Kyrgyzstan, I usually go to Wisconsin Dells which is a small mountain and located north of Chicago. Unfortunately, the Wisconsin Dells do not look like Kyrgyzstan’s mountains. Because of Wisconsin Dells are not high and there are no wild animals. In spite of there is no wild animal and safe, employers and police do not allow people to sleep in tents at night. Moreover, there are too many people and they don’t give me relax as I was in Kyrgyzstan.
Besides relaxing in the mountains, I like to rest in a natural mud resort. I had been to in Yssykata Resort many times in Kyrgyzstan. Yssykata Resort is helpful and beneficial to human health. When I spent time there, it helped me to get away from noise and the polluted air of city, because the resort is located far from city and quiet place. That kind of resort differs from resort in the US. Of course, the US has many resorts and relaxing places, but they are not located near Chicago. Most of them are near the ocean or in the mountains. My husband and I were on Crescent Resort in Miami last summer. Crescent resorts was not similar to Yssykata Resort. The water in the swimming pool and Jacuzzi smelled a chlorine and a bromine. Chlorine and bromine can kill bacteria in the water, yet they are not healthy. Crescent Resort was located near the beach, where many people were relaxing. Yssykata Resort’s water was mineral and mud was natural. They were inartificially going out from the land. I miss my vacations which I spent on mountains and on Yssykata Resort.
Moreover, I also like to go to a picnic because nature is my weakness. When I was in Kyrgyzstan, I had a picnics with my friend in Arlanbob forest. It is a large wild walnut forest in the Kyrgyzstan. A picnic in Arslanbob forest helped me to forget daily problems. Most of the forests, which are near Chicago, are not comfortable to visit, because there is too much scattered dead branches of tree. Also, government does not allow to have picnics there. We often go for a picnic in the public parks in Chicago. When I go to picnic in Chicago, I cannot picnic as in Kyrgyzstan. The public parks of Chicago are always too noisy because they placed in the city. I don’t have any choice for go to a picnic in other place, so I have to adapt public parks of Chicago.

In conclusion, every person has daily life that will be repeat every day and they want to do something different from daily life. Also, they needs to relax their brain and relieve stress. The best method of relaxing is being outdoors. Fresh air has a lot of advantages. It can remove negative thoughts. It can help people be optimist in their life. For addition, nature is my weakness. I like go to mountains, resorts, forests and parks.  Since I moved to the US, I have not been able to vacation as I wish. I could not find an ideal spot near Chicago which are similar to places in Kyrgyzstan. Places, which is near Chicago, they are not calm and peaceful for create a calming effect and help to clear my mind. Now I have decided that I will find a place where I can have pleasurable rest.

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