Wednesday, November 22, 2017

DACA by Marcy, Pascual, Tao, Christine


                  Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals


The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program, known as DACA. The former president Barrack Obama implemented DACA program in 2012. The main idea of DACA program is to help young immigrants, who came to the United States, to have education and job opportunities. As a result, DACA program helped to elevate the U.S. economy.


  • DACA program was created by the former president Barack obama in 2012.
  • Barack Obama created DACA for undocumented immigrants who entered into the United States illegally as children or teenagers.
  • DACA does not give them a permanent status but allows them to stay for two-year for certain undocumented immigrants
  • A rough estimate of over 15,000 young immigrants came to the United States when they were kids or mid-teens.
  • Immigrants protested countrywide in regards to Trump uncivilized act
  • Former president, Barrack Obama implicated to Trump and I quote “think long and think harder before eradicate people's lives”


Migrants: (noun) Traveler who moves from one religion or country to another.
        Synonym: immigrants, settlers
        Family words: migrate, migratory
       Sentence: Many migrants moved to developed countries because they want their children have better education.

Mobilize: (verb) To encourage people to support something in an active way
        Synonym: mobilize, marshal,summon
        Family words: mobile (noun) mobilise (vi) mobile (adj)
       Sentence: The immigrants have mobilized the different organizations and groups that supports the program of DACA .

Protest:(vi,vt,n,adj ) Something that you do to show publicly that you think that something is wrong and unfair
       Synonym: objection, dissent,resist
       Family words: protestant, protestingly, protester
      Sentence: Many immigrants who are in the program of DACA protest Trump’s decision of “immediately terminate”.
Initiative: (noun, adj) The ability to make decisions and take action without waiting for someone to tell you what to do.
       Synonym:enterprise, go-ahead, inaugural
       Family words: initiatory, initiation,initiate
      Sentence: I wish my children would show more initiative.

Eliminate:(vt) To completely get rid of something that is unnecessary or unwanted
      Synonym: obviate, avoid, exclude
     Family word: elimination,eliminator
     Sentence: Obama administration tried to eliminate the problems in the DACA program so immigrants don’t have to be kicked out of America.




Links to the articles and videos:

           What Is DACA?

Group video:

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