Sunday, November 26, 2017

Japanese-American internment camp

                    Short introduction about Japanese- American Relocation

           Japanese- American Relocation happened after the Japanese bombing  Pearl Harbor. Since 1942, the United State government has detained and imprisoned about 10 thousand Japanese- Americans living on Pacific coast. On February 19, 1942, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066 that all Japanese- American had to evacuate the West Coast. Until the war ended that the United States dissolved the camp.

  1. During World War II Japanese army attacked on Pearl Harbor.  
  2. President Roosevelt signed Executive order to relocate 110,000 Japanese into Internment Camps.
  3. Broke up Japanese family.
  4. The U.S. government apologized that after war.
  5. Some Japanese are American citizens.
  6. The U.S. government relocated Japanese American from West Coast of America to the middle of America.
  7. Anti-Japanese sentiment was full of society in the U.S. 
 Links to the articles:
Links to the videos:

Most important vocabulary words
  1. Internment- to confine or impound especially during a war, interned enemy aliens
  2. Relocation- establish or lay out in a new place, to move to a new location
  3. Restitution- a legal action serving to cause restoration of a previous state
     Ex: Congress awarded restitution payments to each survivor of the camps.
4.            Flagrant- conspicuously offensive, so obviously inconsistent with what is right or proper as to appear to be a flouting of law or morality. Ex: flagrant violations of human rights
5.            Renunciations- the act or practice of renouncing, ascetic self-denial.
     Ex: renunciations made behind barbed wire were void
6.            omitted- to leave out or leave unmentioned, to leave undone. Ex: omits one important detail
7.            relinquished- to withdraw or retreat from, to stop holding physically, to give over possession or control of. Ex: Internees relinquished their communities, homes, and livelihoods for cramped barracks.
8.            emasculated-  to deprive of virility or procreative power. Ex: Japanese men felt emasculated
9.            manifested- easily understood or recognized by the mind. Ex: A prejudice that had manifested itself.
10.          construed- to analyze the arrangement and connection of words in a sentence, to understand to explain the sense or intention of usually in a particular way Ex: Japanese patriotism and valor more broadly construed.

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