Saturday, November 4, 2017

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                                                                The Great Father
     In life, people say leaders are the ones who transform citizens into productive role models. In my country, Belize, there was a great leader. The one who people had called “The Father of our Nation “. His name is George Cadel Price, and with his leadership as the first Prime Minister, he had done a lot for this country. Without his leadership, this country would not have been on the world map, as part of the global family. The leader of my country, the late George Cadel Price, had strengthened the country through Universal Adult Suffrage, opportunities, and eventually led Belize to independence. Presently, this country is transitioning, and with transition comes transformation. As a result, people who live in this beautiful country now have equal opportunities. A man who was brave and bold, had lived to build and transform this beautiful country and died with a legacy for people to remember. For this reason, these historic events have had profound effects on the country and my family.  

Nationalist Movement.jpg Image result for belize supreme court  Image result for voting in belize  Image result for voting in belize  Image result for election victory in belize
 The first effect of his leadership was the Universal Adult Suffrage that occurred in 1954, which had enabled voting in the country of British Honduras, which is now Belize. The cause of this historic event is when some of the leaders who worked alongside, George Price wanted the British Superintendent to implement a literacy system; a system where indirect voting could have taken place outside of the city. George Price changed the course, where he took the matter to court and won the case.  This event had an effect on my family, where they had the right to exercise their votes, hence George Price became the first Prime Minister. Because of Universal Adult Suffrage, the process for voting had changed as the years went by.  Eventually, I was able to exercise my right to vote as I turned eighteen. In the end, my vote had counted, because one vote makes a difference in the country. Without the involvement of Mr. Price, there would not have being any Universal Adult Suffrage for my family and I to place our votes for the right person to be appointed as the country’s leader.

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The second effect was opportunities for this country. Over the years, Belize has developed with a better economic flow, where it had an impact on this country.  The Government worked on providing and improvising, so that the people of this country can have access to major resources. Today with the resources available, everyone has access to healthcare, education, jobs, and land, just to name a few. Due to the development of this country, I had the same opportunities just like any other person would have when I was a teenager, at that time I had lived in Belize. Also, I had access to certain things for such as, getting a social security card with a combination of a number and picture on it and a passport which are the key factors such as, voting, traveling, healthcare, education, and lastly, to apply for a U.S visa. In addition, I knew the system, for this reason, it helped me to progress and I saw my path. Afterward, I got my U.S. residency known as green card, thus my father called for me to come and live in the United States so I can get a better education, so I can help my family economically. Presently, my country is rapidly developing day by day. With education, relationships with other countries and the people, this country can be even more productive.    
   Finally, thanks to the brave leaders of this great nation.  They are the reason why my family is    independent, free and bold and it had passed on to us and on to the next generation.  If this country did not fight to gain its independence, I would not have been here writing this essay, expressing my thoughts and feelings about my country. As a proud Belizean living in the United States as a foreigner, I appreciate the fight my people went through to became independent, so that my family Could pay for the best institution to be educate myself, so that one day I can be great father to my children and a great leader, for whom   my country could rely on for a change. Furthermore, I have a free thought of mind, where I can pursue my goals and be successful. Under those circumstances, at the end of the day, it will benefit not only those back home, also Belizeans living abroad.  I was not born at the time to see my country gain its independence.  In the future, my children will learn about how brave and strong their   great –great grandparents were and how they helped made this country a better place.

In conclusion, unity and strength had made this country independent. Because of these historic events, my family is structured and economically fit. In addition, my family relies on me to rise to the occasion, so that one day my generations could step up to be great leaders. After this country became independent, my family both have opportunities and access to the system, whereby it was beneficial and helpful. For this reason, the next generation could be part of the country, who will help to transform this country into a place of more opportunities and better development. Without the past leader knew the significance of this country, my family wouldn’t have been independent and free to help in transform this country.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad your country is progressing mine is doing the opposite.


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