Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Wrong Government

All the governments around the world with abad administrations are guilty of robbing part of the money of the countries. Now, due to a corrupt government Puerto Rico had a big debt with the United States. How does the government made a bad administration of the money? An example of this is that some politicians give money to their "friends". The "friends" are the people who help a candidate with money in exchange for a position in the government, or for money. This is an example of what the majority of people involved in the government do. Because of this bad administration of the money the government of Puerto Rico had to request more money from the United States.This is how this billion dollars debt was created so many years ago. This debt shows my family how to faced the problems that were created because of this debt.

The first effect because of this debt was the creation of new taxes in the island. To try to fix the Puerto Rican economy, the Puerto Rican government start to implement new taxes., for food, for medicine, for insurance and even for beverages, but the problem was that my mother and father worked for the minimum salary. It was very hard for them to pay all the bills, plus the new taxes the government of Puerto Rico was creating. Everything was very expensive for my family, so I tried to find a job, but I couldn't find one. My mother started to request loans from the bank to pay all the necessities for our house. This was a very difficult time for my family. Some days my family and I didn't eat because we didn't have the money to buy food. As a result of this period in my life, now I work and I try to help my family with anything they need.

In addition to the new taxes in the island, a year later, the economic situation put on worst and my father lost his job. The past governor of Puerto Rico, Luis Fortuño, created a law that fired 33,000 people from their jobs. My father was one of these 34,000 people. This made the situation even more difficult to my family because they didn't have money to pay the bills, taxes, and my medical bills was a high problem too. In addition, the prices at the store were increasing because they needed to pay taxes too and my family didn't have the money for everything. The only person that was working in the house was my mother, but she was working for only $7.25 per hour. To try to help her, my father started to weeding in our community. To made a lot of gardens per day, I helped my father with his new job. My father and I didn't have a lot of interaction before because of his job, before the gardens, it consumed a lot of time. Thanks to the gardens job, my father and I created a great relationship.

Besides the job problems in my house, the retirement system also changed. The past governor of Puerto Rico, Alejandro Garcia Padilla, created a law that changed when people could retire. Before changing the retirement age, people in the island could retire at the age at the age of 55, but then people had to retire at the age of 65 to receive all the awards of the retirement system . My mom's birthday is in November, but the past governor signed the new law in July. at that time, my mother was 54, and she was so angry. I remember perfectly all the bad words she said that day. My mother decided that after I graduated from high school, both of us, were moving to Chicago. Thanks to this law, now my mother and I live in the state of Chicago.

The debt that Puerto Rico had with the United States has existed for so many years, but Puerto Rican government tried to do something to late. This problem is thanks to all politicians that people in Puerto Rico voted for elections. This problem is going to end when people start to realize that the real problem is the wrong government they chose. That day people are going to take out the trash, and they are going to see good results. For now, people in Puerto Rico have to face all the problems that will arise in the future. This debt is going to be in the history of Puerto Rico forever.


  1. Interesting essay Gabriel, Im sad for your mom but maybe at the end, something bad its happening for something good:)

  2. Good essay. It's curious that in most of the countries the government never cares about the citizens...


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