Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The Fun Slip Away

              In my hometown, people used to desire to live in the United States. They thought they could be richer by living there. Even now, they still try their best to immigrate to the United States, and I was one of them. To fulfill my parents’ expectations, I was going to live in one of the world’s strongest countries. All I remember is the excitement when I moved here. However, sometimes people hope for something so large that disappointment is inevitable. My rural relatives have been working in restaurants since they moved here. They have become richer but lived a busy daily life, so they have not had fun in this country. Similarly, since I moved here, I have lost the fun of my life.
              When I studied in high school in China, I would spend almost all day in school where I could have fun with my classmates. I had been studying in China for almost twelve years, and my school life was rich and unforgettable. I was living in the school dormitory during my high school years. It was so impressive for me to get along well with my classmates. I met many good friends and generous teachers. However, it was completely different to study in the United States. Until now, I have been studying in the local college for one year. The school time is too short for me, only five hours a day. Therefore, I don’t have enough time to communicate with my classmates. They usually go home or go to work after school. It was not so possible to hang out or have meals with them. I know the situation will be better if I stay longer, but I am not enjoying my time in school.

I have not hung out at night even once during my first year in Chicago. Chicago is one of the most dangerous cities in the United States, especially on the south side. Unfortunately, I am living on the south side. First of all, I don’t have a car, so there is no way for me to go out at night. Even though my neighborhood is good, I still fear to walk around when the sun goes down. As a result, I miss my nightlife. In China, I could walk in the street without any worries, even at midnight because China is much safer than here generally. My peaceful surroundings always provided me good conditions to have fun at night such as watching film debuts and eating Barbecue. When people hang out at night, they are usually happier than in the daytime.

            Due to the fact that I am not living with my parents, I need to make money by having a part-time job, so I have lost the fun on the weekends as well. I didn’t do any part-time job in China, so I didn’t know how hard it was. Living without parents seems to be the hardest things in the world. The primary problem is money, so I have to work on weekends. There is no doubt that my workplace is a restaurant where I could easily access without a college degree, and the salary is good enough for me. However, the price is that I need to sacrifice my weekends, but I have no choice. I used to play basketball and run a mile on weekends. Running along the lake and playing sport with friends used to relax me, and I enjoyed it so much. However, all I can do is pass the food and clean the table in my restaurant.

            Whenever I think about my school life, my nightlife and my weekends, I feel like they are running away from me further and further. They can only stay in my memory, and show up sometimes in my brain. It is not easy for people to live in another country. They will gain and lose at the same time. People work in the restaurant all day will earn a lot of money, but they will lose their freedom. As far as I am concerned, the fun has disappeared since I moved here. I cannot go back to my previous life, and the only thing I can do is look forward to a day when I can live easier and happier. 


  1. Great essay, really nice reading! unfortunately it made me sad, did you consider moving to the safer area? I saw a advertising in school for looking a roommate. Stay positive:)

    1. thank u for suggestion, but it is not that dangerous.


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